$49.00 USD

Summer '24 - 40 Day Body Image Workbook Reading Challenge

We'll meet for six weeks on Tuesday afternoons at 12:00pm central/1pm eastern between May 21st and June 25th. Calls will be via zoom and recorded if you miss a week!

Remember to order your copy of the book - it is NOT included in the price of this course. You may grab your copy anywhere Christian books or sold or on Amazon here: 


I do recommend a hard copy of the book versus an electronic copy so you can write your responses inside the space left for questions.


Each week you'll have time with Heather to get your questions answered. PLUS you'll have time in small groups to get to hear from other women who are on the same journey you're on.

*Sorry, purchase is non-refundable but may be applied to a future reading challenge session or coaching if your plans change.